New site again!
I redesigned this poor site once again because i felt like doing it. This is 3rd major version so far. First there was html but it was made in publisher so that doesnt really count. 2.0 was a JavaScript app actually that looked and behaved very good on my pc and in IDE but not in a web browser so that didnt last long. And finally we have this version that i started and finished making on 3rd of June 2024. (Most of things i stole from W3Schools but i figured out how to arrange things by myself so thats something) I hope this change will be the las one in a while now because this one looks kinda nice and its easy to maintain (unlike ones made in Publisher).
Get Macakom Desktop!
Macakom Desktop is a version of website but as a computer software. Compared to the website Desktop contains much more information and content than Macakom Website. This is just a preview version because I am still working od this thing. It allows you to check for updates in options so you do not have to come here and see if there are any updates. Macakom Desktop will be full of features. Such as: Downloading other programs or games inside of it, checking macakom news and logging into and viewing your account. This piece of software is being actively developed and updated so be sure to check for updates.